【摘要】对于翻译过程的早期研究可以追溯到1980年代发端于欧陆的实证学派。随着电子科技的发展,翻译过程研究也经历了方法论上的发展。而每一种新方法的引入,都将翻译过程的实证研究推上一级新的台阶。在本讲座中,讲者首先参照James Holmes (1972/2000)的奠基性论断,概述认知神经科学对翻译过程研究的意义。继而介绍目前翻译过程研究中常见的数据收集方法,各自长处缺陷,实验适用性和生态效度。中间将穿插一些案例分析,比如隐喻表达的视译研究,翻译修改过程的眼动和击键记录研究等。最后,讲者将结合近期领衔的跨校跨学科合作项目,为大家呈现如何运用最前沿的神经科学手段(功能性磁共振),深入探索人工翻译过程中的“黑匣子”问题。
Cognitive Neuroscience Inquiries intothe Process ofTranslation
【Abstract】Early researcheson translation processcan be traced back to the empirical school emerged inthe 1980s in European countries. With the development of computational technology, translation process research has undergone a step-change in its research methodology, with the import of each new method visibly moving the research field up to a new and higher level. In this talk, the speaker will firstly provide an introductory discussion on the input of cognitive neuroscience into translationstudies with reference to James Holmes’ (1972/2000) “founding statement”, then turn to the methodological issues by introducing a variety of data collections methods, such as think-aloud protocols, key-stroke logging, eye-tracking, the advantages and disadvantages of each method, as well as their applicability and ecological validity issues. Several case studies applying the above-mentioned methods, such as sight translating metaphorical expressions, eye-tracking and key-logging translation revision process, will be presented as examples.The talk will conclude with an introduction of the speaker’s current interdisciplinary project on cognitive neuroscience of translation, which applies functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the state-of-the-art technology in neuroscience, into the study of the translating brain of human translators.
Dr Binghan Zhengis an Associate Professor, Director of Taught Postgraduate Studies at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, and the Director of Centre for Intercultural Mediation at Durham University. He is the Chair of Communication and Collaboration Committee, the World Interpreter and Translator Training Association. During 2014-2016, he chaired the British Chinese Language Teaching Society. He was elected as a By-fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge University (2014-2015), appointed as a visiting Professor at University of International Business and Economics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China University of Mining and Technology, and a Senior Research Fellow at Communication University of China.He has also awarded a 3-year grant of “World Famous Scientists’ Lecturing in Hubei”, sponsored by the Department of Education, Hubei Province. In 2017, he was selected as the “Renowned Overseas Professor” by South China University of Technology.His research interests cover cognitive translation studies, cognitive linguisticsandinternational Chinese education. He has published widely in high impact journals, such asBabel,Perspectives,Translation & Interpreting Studies,Across Languages and Cultures,Asia-pacific Translation & Intercultural Studies,Foreign Language Teaching & Research, andJournal of Foreign Languages.He is currently working on several interdisciplinary projects, such as “Neuro-cognitive Studies of Translation and Interpreting”, “Chinese Wisdom and Modern Management”, “Beyond Boundaries of Translation”, andediting (as guest editor) a special issue ofTranslation and Interpreting Studies(John Benjamins) entitled “Towards a Comparative Studies of Translation and Interpreting Studies”.